Eee-PC No Sound Xbuntu Simple Fix

For the longest time ever, I had been searching for a simple solution to increase the sound volume of my Eee-PC. The bug seems to happen after I remove the earphone from the Eee-PC and the volume became so soft that I cannot hear anything when watching youtube.

  1. Open a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T) type "alsamixer"
  2. Try playing with the volume sliders until you get sound.
  3. You use the up and down arrow keys and the "m" key to mute and unmute channels.
  4. For more info "man alsamixer".

This fix is for the pre-installed default Operating system.


MDO BIO said...

This totally solved my problem Thanks so much.

Simon Tay said...

You are most welcome! :)

Unknown said...

You are a man

Mogwaithief said...

Thank God! That was so annoying. Legend.